The Best Medicine at the Best Price: Pooling Rx Purchases in Idaho

Prescription drug costs are rising rapidly across the nation and in all types of health care programs. To deal with these costs, many states have started negotiating lower prescription drug prices from the extremely profitable pharmaceutical companies – and they are already saving money. Larger volume purchasers can negotiate larger savings, so states are creatingContinue reading “The Best Medicine at the Best Price: Pooling Rx Purchases in Idaho”

Insuring an End to Idaho’s Health Care Crisis

Small businesses and individuals are struggling to keep up with increases in health insurance premiums. There is a widespread feeling that costs are rising, while quality declines. Idaho has a number of options for restoring accountability, transparency, and integrity in health insurance. Download the report.

Insuring an End to Montana’s Health Care Crisis

Small businesses and individuals are struggling to keep up with increases in health insurance premiums. There is a widespread feeling that costs are rising, while quality declines. Montana has a number of options for restoring accountability, transparency, and integrity in health insurance. Download the report.