Don’t Waiver on Medicaid: Governor Kempthorne’s Proposal for Medicaid Puts Idaho at Risk

This report analyzes the Medicaid waiver proposed by the Governor and the Department of Health and Welfare. This report predicts that, for those who rely on Medicaid, the proposal will lead to increased costs, may restrict benefits, and is likely to cause many people to forgo needed medical care. The waiver is also likely toContinue reading “Don’t Waiver on Medicaid: Governor Kempthorne’s Proposal for Medicaid Puts Idaho at Risk”

In Our Own Words: Immigrants’ Experiences in the Northwest

Politicians and the media paint conflicting pictures of the influence of immigrants on our communities and the economy, and argue whether and how the nation should welcome or discourage immigration. As this debate grows louder, seldom heard are the voices of immigrants themselves. Download the report.

Protect Idaho Farmworkers from Harmful Pesticides

Farmworkers are a crucial part of Idaho’s economic success and integral to our communities. A lack of adequate protections in Idaho leaves farmworkers vulnerable to accidental pesticide exposure, which causes immediate and long-term health problems. Download the report.