May Day Immigration Actions Sent Clear Message to Congress

Last Wednesday, the nation celebrated May Day, and for the seventh consecutive year immigrant rights and immigration reform were the focus. Immigration Reform has taken on new life as the Senate, the President and the people of this country take bold steps toward fixing a broken immigration system. Our nation cannot keep 11 million peopleContinue reading “May Day Immigration Actions Sent Clear Message to Congress”

Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact

In January a delegation of leaders and members of the Alliance for a Just Society went to Salt Lake City, Utah to learn about the Utah Compact. The Utah Compact is a set of principals designed to guide Utah citizens, goverment, and community leaders in speaking about immigration issues in a humane and respectful way.Continue reading “Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact”

Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law

Today, Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Judge Susan Bolton ruled that Arizona’s controversial law SB1070 does indeed overstep the state’s boundary to enforce federal immigration law. The ruling will put an injunction on the most egregious provisions of the law, while other provisions remain intact. The ruling is a major victory for the immigrant rights movement,Continue reading “Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law”