Building the Native Movement: Training and Empowerment in Billings, Montana

From defending treaty obligations such as water rights and access to basic health care, to fighting institutional racism in schools and state legislation, to fighting the effects of colonialism in our food systems that are literally killing Indian people, there is no shortage of work to be done in Indian Country. Across Indian Country, NativeContinue reading “Building the Native Movement: Training and Empowerment in Billings, Montana”

Native Health Underfunded & Promises Unfulflled

The United States government has an obligation based on treaty and statute to meet the health care needs of Native people. The Indian Health Service (IHS), a federal agency, provides health care to many Native people but also has been severely and chronically underfunded. To illuminate the problem of IHS underfunding, this report shares the perspectives of directors, administrators and physicians at health care organizations within the IHS system. These health care facilities deliver crucial services to Native people but often cannot provide needed comprehensive services because of the severe shortfall in resources.

Is Health Care Reform Just For White People?

Northwest Federation of Community Organizations Campaigns for Racial Justice in Health Although the face of the health care debate was mostly a white one, community organizations and progressive groups across the country, including the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations and the Health Rights Organizing Project, prioritized health equity in their demands for comprehensive health careContinue reading “Is Health Care Reform Just For White People?”