Two Steps Backward for Bankers — 100,000 Steps Forward For the People

Last Thursday, April 14, Washingtonians from all walks of life put on their walking shoes and set out on the People’s Walk for Our Future. The five-day, 50-mile walk included stops at places in communities that are facing devastating cuts because of Washington’s $5 billion revenue shortfall: schools, mental health clinics, and many more. Legislators are choosing to make these deep cuts  over closing tax loopholes for big out-o- state banks and corporations, and walkers wanted to make clear that they would not take it lying down.


As they approached Olympia after walking through  unseasonably cold and rainy Washington spring weather, the People’s Walk had more than doubled in size. On the final day, which also happened to be Tax Day, they made their way back to Bank of America and delivered a $39 billion tax bill before heading to the Capitol. Finally blessed with some sunshine, community members stood in the shadow of the Capitol building bravely sharing their stories and demanding lawmakers decide whose side they were on: Washington families or Wall Street bankers.


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