For Native people of the Yukon Flats, feeding your family requires the ability to hunt and fish for their foods. After spending a week in the Flats, assisting the Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments (CATG) on a campaign to secure traditional food and hunting and fishing practices; I would argue that it is the only way to access healthy and affordable foods. Community members are standing up for themselves against a system that is threatening their way of life, their ability to feed themselves and their legal rights guaranteed under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA). During the past 5 years, community members have noticed an increase in the amount of regulations and policing of Tribal members. Many families are complaining of harassment by Fish and Wildlife officials and made to feel like criminals for doing what they have done for thousands of years– hunt and fish for their food. CATG is working to capture the voice of the community and seek the policy changes that the community is desperately calling for. To read more about the launch of the campaign, story collection, campaign and communications planning (in conjunction with the Center for Media Justice for the CCHE initiative). See CMJ’s blog post.