We are on the edge of powerful moment. President Obama has an opportunity right now to make history, to take a stand, and to free millions of families from fear, and life in the shadows. He can open the door for millions of families to be fully recognized as part of this country.
We have a crisis, and we have a solution – Administrative Relief.
The time is now Mr. President. Act. Be Bold.
Senate Democrats are urging the president to step back, to delay offering administrative relief to immigrants until after the November elections. Like the Republicans, who have blocked immigration reform for years – they, too, are playing a political game with people’s lives.
So, this week, small business owners throughout the country are taking action. They are calling on the president to step up. More than 800 business owners have already added their names to a letter to the president asking him to act now.
If you are a small business owner, add your name to this letter today: http://mainstreetalliance.org/open-letter-relief/
Our businesses are deeply rooted in the towns and communities where we live and work. Immigrants are our colleagues, our customers and our employees. They add to the vitality of our economy and our communities. We see the suffering of families torn apart by deportations.
When we collect more than a thousand names – very soon now – we’ll send the letter to the president and let him know that he has our support, and we have his back, when he calls for administrative relief for our families.
Immigrant workers make enormous contributions to the U.S. economy. Now our president and our nation need to put immigration reform back on the table. The majority of the population believes in a path to citizenship.
Let’s offer Deferred Action to the parents of the Dreamers.
- Let’s end Secure Communities, a program designed only to create fear in communities.
- Let’s grant visas to the parents of all children living in the United States to unite families.
- Let’s immediately stop the deportation of young people fleeing violence in Central America
This playing with people’s lives has gone on for tool long. Out families and our businesses are ready to fix our broken immigration system and start moving on to other, more critical issues that need close attention.
Be bold Mr. President! We will be there to support you.
Add your business name: http://mainstreetalliance.org/open-letter-relief/