Report: America’s Families Are Out of Balance

Media Advisory Alliance for a Just Society September 29, 2014 Contact: Kathy Mulady (206) 992-8787 America’s Families Are Out of Balance “The basic bargain of America is that no matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like, if you work hard & play by the rules, you can makeContinue reading “Report: America’s Families Are Out of Balance”

Using Our Stories to Win: Native Organizing Alliance Webinar

[av_video src=’′ format=’16-9′ width=’16’ height=’9′] As Native people, no one knows our issues and struggles better than we do. Storytelling, an art form that is indigenous to us, can be used to shift power dynamics and substantiate ourselves as experts on the social justice issues that we fight for. In this hour-long webinar witness Native organizersContinue reading “Using Our Stories to Win: Native Organizing Alliance Webinar”

Graduates Struggle Under a Mountain of Debt

College is supposed to be the pathway to a better job and a better life, but for students across the country college is also the pathway to a life of debt. Since 2008, states across the country have decreased their investment in higher education, with every state except for Alaska and North Dakota providing lessContinue reading “Graduates Struggle Under a Mountain of Debt”

Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for Executive Action on Immigration

An open letter from more than 1,000 business owners throughout the country was published as a full-page advertisement in The Hill today, calling on the president not to delay executive action on immigration. For Immediate Release Sept. 9, 2014 Contact: Kathy Mulady (206) 992-8787   Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for ExecutiveContinue reading “Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for Executive Action on Immigration”

Job Gap: Working Families Struggling, Sliding Deeper into Debt

Debt – it’s become so entrenched in our daily lives that it’s almost a given. Debt is often a choice for higher income families, as an investment in the form of a mortgage or as a means to help pay for college. However, lower-income households often end up in debt because their incomes leave themContinue reading “Job Gap: Working Families Struggling, Sliding Deeper into Debt”

Let’s Put Some Muscle on Those Skinny Health Care Networks

** This article by LeeAnn Hall  first appeared in Huffington Post ** Have you heard about the latest fad in health care? It’s called “skinny networks.” Normally, when I hear the words “skinny” and “health” in the same sentence, I think about the importance of diet and exercise. Yet, when we’re discussing health provider networks,Continue reading “Let’s Put Some Muscle on Those Skinny Health Care Networks”

Justice for Michael Brown! End Racial Profiling and Police Violence

The images of protest and militarized police response in Ferguson, Missouri are shocking. But developments in that small suburban town are simply exposing the racial reality that millions of people of color face every day. Everyday experiences with the courts, media, government authorities and police remind us, in ways large and small, that the livesContinue reading “Justice for Michael Brown! End Racial Profiling and Police Violence”

Fair Wages Aren’t Enough, Workers Need Hours, Predictability, too

There’s no question that working families across the country are struggling to get by; wages for most income levels have been stagnant or declining over the past decade, while the cost of living has continued to increase. One key to helping working families is increasing wages so that there are more living wage jobs available.Continue reading “Fair Wages Aren’t Enough, Workers Need Hours, Predictability, too”