Hospitals and Clinics Feel the Pain of Medicaid Expansion Politics

This article by LeeAnn Hall, executive director of Alliance for a Just Society, was originally published in Huffington Post. Is your state refusing to expand Medicaid? If so, it could be putting your health at risk, whether you’d qualify for Medicaid or not. That’s because the Affordable Care Act (ACA) – the health reform billContinue reading “Hospitals and Clinics Feel the Pain of Medicaid Expansion Politics”

Arrested for Standing on a Sidewalk

It’s a familiar scene. One parent takes their children into a restaurant to use the restroom while the other parent waits outside. It’s been done by many of us — as parents, aunties, uncles, siblings. When kids have to go, they have to go. But on July 19 this year, this simple and innocent scenarioContinue reading “Arrested for Standing on a Sidewalk”

King County Living Wage Ordinance a Modest Step to Address Inequalities

On the heels of the historic passage of Seattle’s $15 minimum wage, a King County Council committee will be voting next week on a living wage ordinance that would apply to county employees and contractors for broader King County. The Alliance testified at a Council committee hearing on Sept. 2 calling for adoption of the legislation,Continue reading “King County Living Wage Ordinance a Modest Step to Address Inequalities”

Corinthian College: Preying on Students’ Dreams

Education is supposed to be a ticket to a better future. Every day, people see ads from for-profit colleges offering programs that promise to lead to a career as a dental assistant, respiratory therapist, auto mechanic, and more. Seeking a better life for themselves and their families, many people enroll in these schools – onlyContinue reading “Corinthian College: Preying on Students’ Dreams”

Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for Executive Action on Immigration

An open letter from more than 1,000 business owners throughout the country was published as a full-page advertisement in The Hill today, calling on the president not to delay executive action on immigration. For Immediate Release Sept. 9, 2014 Contact: Kathy Mulady (206) 992-8787   Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for ExecutiveContinue reading “Rep. Gutierrez Joins Small Business Owners in Calling for Executive Action on Immigration”

“Be Bold!” Small Businesses Nationwide Call for Administrative Relief

We are on the edge of powerful moment. President Obama has an opportunity right now to make history, to take a stand, and to free millions of families from fear, and life in the shadows. He can open the door for millions of families to be fully recognized as part of this country. We haveContinue reading ““Be Bold!” Small Businesses Nationwide Call for Administrative Relief”

Learning Experience: Two Bachelors Degrees and Deep in Debt

In my family, going to University was never a question. My sisters and I were raised with the idea that higher education was our ticket out of poverty. Like our peers, we clung to the American dream of graduating and establishing careers that would allow us to fulfill our dreams of traveling, building a family,Continue reading “Learning Experience: Two Bachelors Degrees and Deep in Debt”

Let’s Truly Celebrate Workers’ Contributions – With a Living Wage

Is Labor Day just a day to celebrate workers’ labor in name, without ensuring that those workers actually benefit? “The basic bargain of America is that no matter who you are, where you come from or what you look like, if you work hard & play by the rules, you can make it, ” saysContinue reading “Let’s Truly Celebrate Workers’ Contributions – With a Living Wage”

Families Out of Balance: Living Wages Move Families from Survive to Thrive

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 26, 2014 Contact: Kathy Mulady (206) 992-8787   Read the Families Out of Balance report here. Low-income families are already struggling to meet basic needs. Factor in suffocating household debt, and it is clear that families not making a living wage have little chance of building for the future. AsContinue reading “Families Out of Balance: Living Wages Move Families from Survive to Thrive”

Job Gap: Working Families Struggling, Sliding Deeper into Debt

Debt – it’s become so entrenched in our daily lives that it’s almost a given. Debt is often a choice for higher income families, as an investment in the form of a mortgage or as a means to help pay for college. However, lower-income households often end up in debt because their incomes leave themContinue reading “Job Gap: Working Families Struggling, Sliding Deeper into Debt”