In the New York Times, Make the Road N.Y. Members Tell Obama “Stop the Deportations”

Juan Carlos Valdez, a member of Alliance For a Just Society affiliate Make The Road New York, is featured along with his family in a new video on the New York Times site. From MRNY: While Juan Carlos’ sons are protected by the President’s temporary Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA), unless the PresidentContinue reading “In the New York Times, Make the Road N.Y. Members Tell Obama “Stop the Deportations””

Let’s Put Some Muscle on Those Skinny Health Care Networks

** This article by LeeAnn Hall  first appeared in Huffington Post ** Have you heard about the latest fad in health care? It’s called “skinny networks.” Normally, when I hear the words “skinny” and “health” in the same sentence, I think about the importance of diet and exercise. Yet, when we’re discussing health provider networks,Continue reading “Let’s Put Some Muscle on Those Skinny Health Care Networks”

Justice for Michael Brown! End Racial Profiling and Police Violence

The images of protest and militarized police response in Ferguson, Missouri are shocking. But developments in that small suburban town are simply exposing the racial reality that millions of people of color face every day. Everyday experiences with the courts, media, government authorities and police remind us, in ways large and small, that the livesContinue reading “Justice for Michael Brown! End Racial Profiling and Police Violence”

Fair Wages Aren’t Enough, Workers Need Hours, Predictability, too

There’s no question that working families across the country are struggling to get by; wages for most income levels have been stagnant or declining over the past decade, while the cost of living has continued to increase. One key to helping working families is increasing wages so that there are more living wage jobs available.Continue reading “Fair Wages Aren’t Enough, Workers Need Hours, Predictability, too”

Beyond Cellblocks Webinar: Ending Police-ICE Collaboration

This year, Alliance for a Just Society is hosting a series of webinars discussing techniques used in different parts of the country to combat racism and criminalization.  Our most recent webinar focused on tactics for ending police collaboration with Immigration officials.   This Friday, at 11 a.m., join us for a webinar on Native American storytelling.Continue reading “Beyond Cellblocks Webinar: Ending Police-ICE Collaboration”

Everyone Benefits When Workers Earn Living Wages

The South Korea government is taking an interesting approach to stagnating wages. The South Korean Ministry of Strategy and Finance is pushing a policy to offer tax credits to those firms that increase worker pay. This legislation — which, if approved by the South Korean parliament, would go into effect in January — creates a policy incentive forContinue reading “Everyone Benefits When Workers Earn Living Wages”

Legislators Who Block Medicaid Expansion Are Stiffing Veterans Out of Health Care

** This article by LeeAnn Hall  first appeared in Huffington Post ** The scandal over long wait times for veterans in the Department of Veterans Affairs health system has grabbed a lot of headlines and elicited a lot of righteous anger – as it should. America’s veterans deserve so much better. But as Ezra KleinContinue reading “Legislators Who Block Medicaid Expansion Are Stiffing Veterans Out of Health Care”

Who’s Really Behind the “Voice of Small Business?”

*This article was originally published in The Hill * How much does it cost to rebrand a fee levied on health insurers as a “HIT on small business”? Well, $1.593 million, according to this exposé in the New York Times a few days ago. A little background: a provision of the Affordable Care Act levies a feeContinue reading “Who’s Really Behind the “Voice of Small Business?””

No New Jails: Consider Alternatives to Incarcerating Children

King County Council members in Washington state are charging ahead with plans to build a new juvenile detention center to be known as the Children and Family Justice Center (CFJC). The county’s existing youth facility in Seattle has 50 beds – and is not even filled to capacity. The new jail triples the number ofContinue reading “No New Jails: Consider Alternatives to Incarcerating Children”

Hate Is Not the American Way

If ever there was doubt about the source of America’s vitriol and hate-mongering when it comes to the American humanitarian crisis surrounding immigration, look no further: “There will be no special path to citizenship  for individuals who broke our nation’s immigration laws.” “Barack Obama and Harry Reid: pushing amnesty to give illegal aliens a freeContinue reading “Hate Is Not the American Way”