For the Children, We Must Transcend Politics and Do the Right Thing

One of the most inhumane things that a group of political players can do in this country – or any other – is to use children as a pawn in a political game.  It is especially repulsive that Republicans in the U.S. have chosen this course rather than figuring out a humane way to reuniteContinue reading “For the Children, We Must Transcend Politics and Do the Right Thing”

Grads Pay a High Price for Student Loans, Plus the Emotional Toll

College is sold to young Americans as a ticket to a better job and life by giving them knowledge and tools to increase their earning power over their lifetime. But for millions of college graduates, graduation is followed by severe student loan debt and a low paying job. With an average student loan debt ofContinue reading “Grads Pay a High Price for Student Loans, Plus the Emotional Toll”

Leaders, Businesses in Washington, Oregon and Idaho Calling for Immigration Reform Now

For Immediate Release, July 3, 2014 Leaders and organizations representing businesses and communities throughout Washington, Oregon and Idaho are powerfully combining their voices, calling on elected officials in the U.S. Congress to take action now on immigration reform. While recognizing that passing immigration reform this year is challenging, they also understand the dire economic consequencesContinue reading “Leaders, Businesses in Washington, Oregon and Idaho Calling for Immigration Reform Now”

LeeAnn Hall: Three Reasons Why Harris v. Quinn Matters to All of Us

This article was originally published in Huffington Post. The Harris v. Quinn ruling on Monday was a huge step backward in the national effort to develop rights and protections for home care workers. It’s also a clear call to action for all of us not to become complacent or take for granted the rights andContinue reading “LeeAnn Hall: Three Reasons Why Harris v. Quinn Matters to All of Us”

Starbucks’ Free College Gimmick Clouds the Real Problem

As we’ve reported here and here, the state of higher education in this country has reached a crisis. The cost of tuition has risen substantially faster than any other good or service over the past 40 years.  There are many that are calling the student debt crisis the next financial bubble. Under the Starbucks plan,Continue reading “Starbucks’ Free College Gimmick Clouds the Real Problem”

New Video: Case Study of Colorado’s Consent-To-Search Policing Policy

In October 2013, the Alliance for a Just Society partnered with the Union Theological Seminary for a symposium called Cell Blocks and Border Stops: Transformational Activism in the Age of Dehumanization. Since then, the Alliance has been working closely with our affiliate organizations to advance policies that deconstruct systemic structures of criminalization in their localContinue reading “New Video: Case Study of Colorado’s Consent-To-Search Policing Policy”

Tools to Rescue Underwater Homeowners When Outreach Isn’t Enough

As previously discussed in Alliance reports, the housing crisis is over for some, but there are still millions of homeowners across the country struggling to pay off mortgages that are valued at more than the current worth of their homes. When combined with a sluggish labor market forcing many families to make due on lessContinue reading “Tools to Rescue Underwater Homeowners When Outreach Isn’t Enough”

Rural and Small Towns Calling for Immigration Reform Now

Over the course of our nation’s history, immigrants have traditionally moved to some of the U.S.’s largest cities consolidating the perception that immigration is an urban concern. But the truth is in the latter part of the twentieth century, immigrants have been moving to rural towns. And like waves of immigrants before them they areContinue reading “Rural and Small Towns Calling for Immigration Reform Now”

Poor, in Prison – and Pregnant

As poverty levels in the U.S. increase, safety nets are  slashed, and families are left with few options for survival. As a result, more people are forced into difficult economic decisions, including alternative street-based economies and crime from sheer economic desperation. Many of these people are women and mothers. Among women who are fortunate enoughContinue reading “Poor, in Prison – and Pregnant”

Grassroots Victory! $15 Minimum Wage Passes in Seattle

The Alliance for a Just Society congratulates Seattle on making history today by unanimously passing a path to a $15 minimum wage – the highest in the nation. Seattle Mayor Ed Murray said he would quickly sign the legislation into law. More than 100,000 workers – disproportionately women and people of color – work minimumContinue reading “Grassroots Victory! $15 Minimum Wage Passes in Seattle”