Facebook’s Changes Hit Community Orgs Where It Hurts. What To Do?

It’s confirmed: if you run a Facebook ‘page’ (for your community organization, for instance), Facebook’s algorithms are holding your constituents hostage until you pay up. Due to unannounced, opaque changes to what items appear in a user’s News feed, Facebook page administrators who don’t pay to upgrade are already experiencing a 75 percent or greaterContinue reading “Facebook’s Changes Hit Community Orgs Where It Hurts. What To Do?”

Reversing the Trend: A Longitudinal Study of Living Wage and Minimum Wage

A new report, “Reversing the Trend” by the Alliance for a Just Society, finds that Mayor Ed Murray’s minimum wage proposal reverses a minimum wage trend that is increasingly unable to meet the basic living needs of workers. Seattle’s proposed $15 minimum wage would be the highest in the country. Analyzing more than a decadeContinue reading “Reversing the Trend: A Longitudinal Study of Living Wage and Minimum Wage”

Consent to Search: Beyond Cell Blocks Webinar Series Continues

In 2010, after a lengthy fight, Colorado passed a state law that required police officers to inform people of their constitutional right to refuse a search of their person and/or property. The goal of the law was to reduce traffic stops, searches and intimidation stemming from from discrimination. Law enforcement officers at the time saidContinue reading “Consent to Search: Beyond Cell Blocks Webinar Series Continues”

Seeking Creative Ways to Help Underwater Homeowners

In 2007, the nation’s housing bubble burst, leading to the Great Recession of 2008 and a rapid drop in property values across the country. While the recession officially ended in 2009, more than 9 million homeowners across the country still have mortgages on homes that are now worth less than they owe. These underwater mortgagesContinue reading “Seeking Creative Ways to Help Underwater Homeowners”

Sallie Mae Slap on the Wrist Doesn’t Go Far Enough

This week the Department of Justice levied a $97 million fine against the student debt servicing giant Sallie Mae. The findings of the DOJ’s long investigation revealed a host of bad practices and illegal behaviors at the company, including overcharging on nearly all military service members’ loans, and mishandling borrowers’ payments to maximize late feesContinue reading “Sallie Mae Slap on the Wrist Doesn’t Go Far Enough”

Paid Sick Days: Good for Workers, Good for Business

Tony Sandkamp, owner of Sandkamp Woodworks in New Jersey, is a supporter of paid sick days for workers – because it makes sense for employees, and it makes sense for his company’s bottom line. Sandkamp, a Main Street Alliance leader, recently joined a panel of business leaders at the New York Regional Forum on WorkingContinue reading “Paid Sick Days: Good for Workers, Good for Business”

Online Community College for Organizations Helps Connect Leaders

“Education (should be) the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and discover how to participate in the transformation of their world.” – Paulo Freire “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ― Malcolm XContinue reading “Online Community College for Organizations Helps Connect Leaders”

ACA Enrollment Figures Show More Focus Needed On Latino Communities

HHS must do more to close the Latino coverage gap; state officials who’ve resisted ACA implementation bear responsibility for making it worse. For Immediate Release: Friday, May 2, 2014 Contact: Kathy Mulady, Communications Director, kathy@allianceforajustsociety.org, (206) 992-8787 Seattle, WA – The Alliance for a Just Society released the following statement from executive director LeeAnn HallContinue reading “ACA Enrollment Figures Show More Focus Needed On Latino Communities”

Seattle’s $15 Wage Plan to Boost Families and Businesses

The day after Republicans in the U.S. Senate blocked a modest minimum wage increase to $10.10, Seattle small business owners with the Main Street Alliance proclaimed their support for a city level $15 minimum wage. “It is smart and responsible to raise the minimum wage, boost our local economy, and support small business success atContinue reading “Seattle’s $15 Wage Plan to Boost Families and Businesses”

‘Homeowners Bill of Rights’ Helps Fight Foreclosure in Colorado

After three years of persistent and tireless work by Colorado Progressive Coalition members, the Colorado legislature this month finally passed meaningful protections for homeowners at risk of losing their homes. For years horror stories have abounded in the press of banks that lost paperwork, homeowners never speaking to the same person twice, promises of aContinue reading “‘Homeowners Bill of Rights’ Helps Fight Foreclosure in Colorado”