Oregon Activists at the Heart of Fight to End ICE Holds

By Nicole Brown Center for Intercultural Organizing Last week when I received a call from Multnomah County Chair Marissa Madrigal and then from Sheriff Daniel Staton, I wondered if the sheriff might finally be reconsidering his policy on holding immigrants in jail at the request of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But I never couldContinue reading “Oregon Activists at the Heart of Fight to End ICE Holds”

Will Health Coverage Translate into Receiving Health Care?

LeeAnn Hall, executive director of Alliance for a Just Society, published this article originally in Huffington Post. More than 7.5 million people have signed up for new health coverage through the Affordable Care Act’s state and federal health insurance marketplaces at the close of the first enrollment period. The Department of Health and Human ServicesContinue reading “Will Health Coverage Translate into Receiving Health Care?”

“We Say They Can Stay,” Native American Leaders Protest Immigrant Detension

By Simmi Bagri Alliance for a Just Society The annual Alliance for A Just Society’s Advanced Native Organizers Training, was sponsored by the Praxis Project and hosted at the  Alliance’s office in Seattle this month, drew leaders from tribes and organizations from around the country. They came from as far as Virginia, Alaska, South Dakota,Continue reading ““We Say They Can Stay,” Native American Leaders Protest Immigrant Detension”

Tax Day Means Tax Refunds for the Country’s Powerful Corporations

You pay your taxes today – April 15 – and every day, when you shop and buy products for your home or business. The nation’s most profitable corporations, on the other had, aren’t just avoiding taxes – but actually getting refunds. General Electric is especially imaginative it seems, when finding ways to short-circuit their tax-payingContinue reading “Tax Day Means Tax Refunds for the Country’s Powerful Corporations”

New Jersey Small Businesses Still Adrift Two Years After Sandy

Since Superstorm Sandy hit the east coast in November 2012, small business owners who were promised financial assistance to help their businesses excited abut rebuilding and recovering, are still waiting for the funding to appear. Corinne Horowitz, the business representative for the New Jersey Main Street Alliance, describes their frustration as they search for solutions.Continue reading “New Jersey Small Businesses Still Adrift Two Years After Sandy”

After Obamacare Enrollment, Three Critical Steps

This article by LeeAnn Hall, first appeared in Colorlines.com More than 7.1 million people have obtained health coverage under the Affordable Care Act, despite the early confusion and glitches with the computer system. In addition, 6.3 million are approved for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, and an estimated 3 million more young peopleContinue reading “After Obamacare Enrollment, Three Critical Steps”

No More Delays, Two Million is Too Many

Delaying defense is one of the oldest tactics of war. It’s as much a psychological one as it is strategic. The goal is to wear down the opposition until they become weak, hungry or distracted. Our immigrant rights movement hasn’t been immune to it. Now there is no longer time for delay: two million deportationsContinue reading “No More Delays, Two Million is Too Many”

Entrenched Lobbyists Stirring Raise-the-Wage Opposition

Spring is in the air. That means cherry blossom season in Washington. It also means fly-in time, when the nation’s biggest trade associations hold their annual lobby days. Case in point: the National Restaurant Association (NRA) is hitting town at the end of April. Topping the Restaurant Association’s agenda? Stick a fork in the proposedContinue reading “Entrenched Lobbyists Stirring Raise-the-Wage Opposition”

Anti-Minimum Wage Restaurant Association Serving Up Powerful Lobbyists

The National Restaurant Association is a lobbying powerhouse in Washington, D.C. and a leading opponent of efforts to raise the minimum wage. A new analysis by the Alliance for a Just Society and Restaurant Opportunities Centers United uncovers the “secret sauce” behind the NRA’s success: a heaping helping of insider influence. In The Hill thisContinue reading “Anti-Minimum Wage Restaurant Association Serving Up Powerful Lobbyists”

Progressive Cities Can Offer a Helping Hand to Families Facing Foreclosure

Foreclosures and high numbers of underwater homes aren’t making headlines around the country the way they were a couple of years ago, but that doesn’t mean the housing market is back on solid footing – or that people are no longer suffering. Thousands of families in Seattle are still dealing with the traumatic repercussions ofContinue reading “Progressive Cities Can Offer a Helping Hand to Families Facing Foreclosure”