Polling Places on Reservations Would Protect Native’s Right to Vote

None of us can afford to take the right to vote for granted – as Native Americans living on reservations in Montana can confirm. On the Fort Belknap, Northern Cheyenne, and Crow reservations, Native Americans who want to vote, or even register to vote, have to travel as much as 180 miles over rough, ruralContinue reading “Polling Places on Reservations Would Protect Native’s Right to Vote”

Speaking Up, Sharing Stories to Stop Police Misconduct

Lisa Haynes was waiting for a bus near her home in Portland, Ore., when two police officers passing in a patrol car stopped and began questioning her. Uncertain of what was happening, or why she was being questioned, she turned to walk away. Within moments, Haynes, 4’10”, was forcefully grabbed, pushed to the ground andContinue reading “Speaking Up, Sharing Stories to Stop Police Misconduct”

Student Debt Threatens the Future for Everyone

A college degree was once an investment in the future, a path to a good job, a home, car, vacation and money set aside to retire some day. But that college education has for many, become a ball and chain limiting future growth. Unless we begin to address this debt issue we will continue toContinue reading “Student Debt Threatens the Future for Everyone”

The Penalty for Being Poor – Prison

By Simmi Bagri Alliance for a Just Society Imagine being poor. Then imagine that the depth of your poverty is compounded because you committed a minor infraction. You can’t pay your ticket. You go to court and are put under a probation monitoring service – more fees and fines. You can’t afford bus fare, soContinue reading “The Penalty for Being Poor – Prison”

The Fight for Citizenship and the Right to a Future

The fight for fair and humane immigration reform is about respecting the dignity and humanity of all immigrants across the U.S. It is a fight for family unity. But this fight is also about the evolving definition of citizenship. Citizenship is a guarantee against deportation; a protection against fear and reprisals. Any immigrant, regardless ofContinue reading “The Fight for Citizenship and the Right to a Future”

Driver’s Licenses for Immigrants Strengthens Families and the Economy

Across the nation, families, business owners, and police officers are calling on lawmakers to bring fairness to all in need of driver’s licenses – an item that many simply take for granted as an award for learning the rules of the road. But for millions of undocumented residents throughout the U.S., the denial of thisContinue reading “Driver’s Licenses for Immigrants Strengthens Families and the Economy”

Tipping Subminimum Wage in Favor of Workers

When you go out to dinner at a restaurant you might ask for salad dressing on the side, whether the carrots are organic, or if the chicken is free range, but do you ever ask the restaurant owner if her employees make a living wage? Waitresses and waiters are the largest group of tipped workersContinue reading “Tipping Subminimum Wage in Favor of Workers”

Expanding Health Care Coverage With Federal Funds In Idaho Will Create Economy-Boosting Jobs

If Idaho accepts federal funds to expand Medicaid coverage, an estimated 88,000 state residents will gain health insurance.  In addition, accepting the federal funding will also create jobs  more than 16,000 jobs and boost the Idaho economy, according to a new report by the Alliance for a Just Society. The report was released today byContinue reading “Expanding Health Care Coverage With Federal Funds In Idaho Will Create Economy-Boosting Jobs”

An Open Letter to the Prosecutor in the Case of Jordan Davis

Rinku Sen, president and executive director of Race Forward, wrote an open letter to the prosecutor, Angela Corey, and the legal community in connection with the Jordan Davis killing. The Alliance for a Just Society is proud to be among those adding their names to the list of signers in support. Please click the linkContinue reading “An Open Letter to the Prosecutor in the Case of Jordan Davis”

Critics Overstate Job Loss in CBO Report; Living Wage Lifts Families from Poverty

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released a report on the estimated effects of increasing the minimum wage to $10.10 and indexing it to inflation by 2016. Opponents of the increase have jumped on the report’s (questionable) conclusion that it would cost jobs, while many in favor of increasing the minimum wage have focused on theContinue reading “Critics Overstate Job Loss in CBO Report; Living Wage Lifts Families from Poverty”