Hall and Smedley in USA Today: Provide Data, Expand Medicaid to Close Racial Health Divide

On the opinion pages of USA Today, LeeAnn Hall, executive director of the Alliance for a Just Society, and Dr. Brian Smedley, with the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, call on on HHS to release full data on who is enrolling – and who is being missed. They also call on states whereContinue reading “Hall and Smedley in USA Today: Provide Data, Expand Medicaid to Close Racial Health Divide”

The Struggle is Real – Changing the Conversation in Montana

When the Montana Department of Corrections issued its 2013 Biennial Report , the department’s own numbers finally substantiated exactly what the community has known all along: Montana is disproportionately locking away Natives. One out of every five men in prison in Montana is Native American – far above the rate that Natives are represented inContinue reading “The Struggle is Real – Changing the Conversation in Montana”

Get Real on Job Growth and Expand Medicaid

 A new op-ed in the Bangor Daily News, written by Maine People’s Alliance executive director Jesse Graham and Alliance for a Just Society executive director LeeAnn Hall, lays out how the Maine legislature could build more and better jobs simply by accepting federal funds for Medicaid expansion. By Jesse Graham and LeeAnn Hall Special toContinue reading “Get Real on Job Growth and Expand Medicaid”

Expanding Health Coverage in Maine with Federal Funds Will Boost the Economy

Expanding health coverage with federal funds will create economy-boosting jobs in states that most need them, according to a new report by the Alliance for a Just Society. The report comes as state legislators debate adopting the Medicaid expansion authorized by the Affordable Care Act. “This report shows that Medicaid expansion will not only expandContinue reading “Expanding Health Coverage in Maine with Federal Funds Will Boost the Economy”

Stronger Together: Rural Communities Ready for Immigration Reform

Last fall, in the final push to convince legislators to pass immigration reform – voices that had so far been quiet, spoke up. They were dairymen, potato growers, and ranchers and business owners. They are the voices of rural America. Small towns and rural communities are the heart and soul of our country. They areContinue reading “Stronger Together: Rural Communities Ready for Immigration Reform”

State of the Union Has the Right Themes, Action Must Follow

President Barack Obama delivered his fifth State of the Union address Tuesday night: low-key compared to other addresses, determined and occasionally defiant. He touched on many of the priorities being worked on by the Alliance for a Just Society this year, including mentioning that nine million Americans have signed up for private health insurance orContinue reading “State of the Union Has the Right Themes, Action Must Follow”

Families and Our Future Sinking in a Sea of Student Debt

This is the first in a three-part series by the Alliance for a Just Society, looking at the high cost of student debt for our country and for our future. Young college graduates are putting their futures on hold as they struggle under the burden of high student debt – and a weak economic recoveryContinue reading “Families and Our Future Sinking in a Sea of Student Debt”

Butte Jury Holds Bankers Accountable With $52 Million Verdict

By Sheena Rice Montana Organizing Project It’s no longer shocking to read news articles about the scandalous behavior of big banks. Readers roll their eyes when they see JPMorgan’s CEO being awarded a total pay of $20 million the same year the bank made repeated headlines for being fined millions of dollars and incurring lossesContinue reading “Butte Jury Holds Bankers Accountable With $52 Million Verdict”

Alliance On Stage With Pelosi and Raise the Wage

The work of Alliance for a Just Society was very much in evidence earlier this month when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Labor Secretary Tom Perez held a press conference calling for passage of legislation to raise the federal minimum wage. The legislation, endorsed by the Alliance, would bring the hourly minimum wage upContinue reading “Alliance On Stage With Pelosi and Raise the Wage”