From defending treaty obligations such as water rights and access to basic health care, to fighting institutional racism in schools and state legislation, to fighting the effects of colonialism in our food systems that are literally killing Indian people, there is no shortage of work to be done in Indian Country. Across Indian Country, NativeContinue reading “Building the Native Movement: Training and Empowerment in Billings, Montana”
Category Archives: featured
Money in Politics: The Best Tax Break Half a Million Dollars Can Buy
The first in a series of articles exploring the influence of corporate money over our political system. When Microsoft filed pay disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission last year, it reported a $670,000 bonus for company CEO Steve Ballmer. But the company didn’t mention how Ballmer spent the bulk of that check – onContinue reading “Money in Politics: The Best Tax Break Half a Million Dollars Can Buy”
Washington CAN! Leads 800 People in Demanding an Equitable State Budget
All across the country, lawmakers are faced with grim state budget shortfalls that will mean devastating cuts to the social safety net. As a result of the national recession, Washington state faces one of the worst economic downturns in over 80 years. In the past two years lawmakers have balanced the state budget by cuttingContinue reading “Washington CAN! Leads 800 People in Demanding an Equitable State Budget”
Around the Country, Organizations Show that Language Access in Health Care is a Human Right
During the week of December 6, organizations throughout the country hung banners with the message “Language = Life: Language in Health Care is a Human Right.” They sent a clear message to the White House and the Department of Health and Human Services that language access is right, not a privilege.
Leader of 50 State Foreclosure Probe Tells Struggling Homeowners: “We Will Put People in Jail”
Iowa’s Attorney General Miller also agreed that principal reductions, loan modifications, and compensation for defrauded homeowners are all on his agenda The lead Attorney General in the 50-state foreclosure investigation, Iowa’s Tom Miller, told homeowners at risk of foreclosure today that he supports a settlement with the big banks that requires significant principal rate reductions,Continue reading “Leader of 50 State Foreclosure Probe Tells Struggling Homeowners: “We Will Put People in Jail””
Living wage jobs are scarce in Northwest and Colorado
The recently released 2010 Northwest Job Gap Study, Searching for Work that Pays looks at living wages in each county in Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington. The study also compares the number of job openings paying a living wage to the number of job seekers in each state. The key findings are disturbing: 48%Continue reading “Living wage jobs are scarce in Northwest and Colorado”
Where’s the Note: Is Your Mortgage Affected?
Recent reports show the bankers in charge of approving the foreclosure paperwork weren’t even reading what they were signing. Wall Street has bought and sold our mortgages so many times, they’ve lost track of who owns what. And now they’re getting caught red-handed. In one state, two banks tried to foreclose on the same home.Continue reading “Where’s the Note: Is Your Mortgage Affected?”
On Language Access, Holding HHS Accountable to People, Not Insurance Companies
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is currently creating the regulations that basically put the meat on the bones of this country’s health care reform law. It is the outcome of these rule-making decisions that will determine the success, or failure, of reform. NWFCO, with the Health Rights Organizing Project, has been weighingContinue reading “On Language Access, Holding HHS Accountable to People, Not Insurance Companies”
Small Business Owners Use Their Stories to Educate Public on Health Care Reform
September 23 was an important day for health care–and an important day for small businesses. Exactly six months after the enactment of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (PPACA), September 23 was the date on which a range of new insurance protections took effect. Across the country, small business owners from The Main StreetContinue reading “Small Business Owners Use Their Stories to Educate Public on Health Care Reform”
Washington CAN! Holds Week of Action to Fight Corporate Power
This post was written by Nathan Riding from Washington CAN! The summer of 2010 will long be remembered for the worst environmental disaster in history of our country. The BP oil spill killed eleven men, countless animals, birds, and fish, and destroyed the economic livelihoods of thousands of people. The long-term impact of the BPContinue reading “Washington CAN! Holds Week of Action to Fight Corporate Power”