Corporate Interests Dominate List of Top Super Committee Donors

Four banks, two large corporations, a conservative political action committee (PAC), and a law firm serving corporate, industrial, and financial institutions dominate the list of top 10 campaign donors that contributed to members of the bipartisan congressional “Super Committee,” setting the stage for a historic revenue showdown. These entities contributed a total of $4.5 million,Continue reading “Corporate Interests Dominate List of Top Super Committee Donors”

Not Your Ordinary Tea Party

During the week of August 15th, Americans for Prosperity took their pro-oil, anti-worker, Running on Empty Tour to Montana. The tour was an attempt to blame high gas, electricity and food prices on President Obama. They aren’t happy with the President because he hasn’t given in to their corporate agenda to exploit America’s natural resources,Continue reading “Not Your Ordinary Tea Party”

Have you heard about austerity lately?

Have you heard about austerity lately? It’s a fancy word to talk about gutting important public investments in our health care, education, economic well-being, and communities overall. To learn more about why austerity is such a bad idea, economically and morally, watch this video:

Association Health Plans: Good or Bad for Small Business?

Changes are finally coming to states’ health insurance marketplaces. For small businesses, these changes can’t come soon enough. New rules prohibiting discrimination and strengthening oversight of rate increases will protect small businesses from rate shocks. A guaranteed essential benefits package will provide assurance of a minimum level of coverage. And new state insurance exchanges willContinue reading “Association Health Plans: Good or Bad for Small Business?”

Underwater Mortgages and 1 Million Jobs

Today, The New Bottom Line, a coalition co-lead by the Alliance for a Just Society,  released a report detailing a solution to the foreclosure crisis. “The Win-Win Solution: How Fixing The Housing Crisis Will Create 1 Million Jobs” details how we can fix the housing crisis and revitalize our communities and economy if the banks wereContinue reading “Underwater Mortgages and 1 Million Jobs”

E-verify Hurts Local Economies

Main Street Alliance members Edgar Andrade of Bushwick, Brooklyn and Jim Houser of Portland, Oregon were joined on a press call Wednesday by Mayor Paul Bridges of Uvalda, GA to address the drastic ramifications of state-based, enforcement-only immigration laws. These laws are being enacted in states across the country, starting in Arizona and spreading toContinue reading “E-verify Hurts Local Economies”

Immigration and Modern Day Slavery in the Deep South

Back in 2005, the Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida made headway in their campaign against modern day slavery. In the months leading to their victory, CIW went on tours throughout the country. They made at stop in Boise State University, where I was attending college at the time. One of their speakers told theContinue reading “Immigration and Modern Day Slavery in the Deep South”

Debt Deal Puts a Bull’s Eye on Medicaid

As I write, the U.S. Senate has just passed the debt deal that was negotiated with the President over the weekend. It got 269 votes in the House yesterday and 74 votes in the Senate today. It was opposed by both the most progressive and most conservative members. The immediate effect is a cap onContinue reading “Debt Deal Puts a Bull’s Eye on Medicaid”

Washington Community Action Network’s Sunny Summer Conference

On July 23, 250 Washingtonians spent a rare sunny Seattle Saturday in a leadership conference! WashingtonCAN’s annual Summer Leadership Conference was attended by about 250 committed community members. Turnout included people from WashingtonCAN, Working Washington and other progressive organizations and labor unions across Washington. Folks from Vancouver to Tacoma to Spokane participated. Workshop topics rangedContinue reading “Washington Community Action Network’s Sunny Summer Conference”