The next step in our campaign to take on the big banks pay and win relief for homeowners is to disrupt business as usual at shareholder meetings across the country. The goal of these actions is to build off the fall mobilizations and the Occupations to keep up the street heat holding the 1%Continue reading “Alliance for a Just Society leaders shut down the Wells Fargo Shareholders Meeting”
Category Archives: We are the 99%
We Don’t Have to be United States, Inc.
Photo by ToGa Wanderings A couple of days ago, the New York Times reported that the super PACs backing President Obama had fallen far behind on fundraising, and it’s not clear they’re going to catch up with their Republican counterparts. According to the Times, “Mr. Obama’s backers on Wall Street are leery of theirContinue reading “We Don’t Have to be United States, Inc.”
Daley’s View from Washington: The Pope, Bob Dole, and the Financial Transaction Tax
What do the Pope, Bob Dole, and the Archbishop of Canterbury have in common? They all support some version of a proposal to tax financial speculation. How about we try a tax idea that curbs unproductive speculation on Wall Street and raises money to pay for the governmental services? That is exactly what the Financial TransactionContinue reading “Daley’s View from Washington: The Pope, Bob Dole, and the Financial Transaction Tax”
Affiliate Highlight: The Montana Organizing Project
Alliance for a Just Society affiliate The Montana Organizing Project (MOP) is a collaboration of diverse community, civic, labor, faith groups, and community members. Located in Missoula and Billings, MOP works on economic, racial and social justice issues, with the mission of promoting the dignity and empowerment of people with low and middle incomes whoContinue reading “Affiliate Highlight: The Montana Organizing Project”
Occupy Protests Have Shifted National Dialogue, 2012 Elections Loom
The Occupy protests that have sprouted up in over a thousand cities nationwide have had a profound effect on the political landscape. Barely four months ago, the dominant narrative was that the country is broke and we have to tighten our belts through “fiscal austerity,” with nary a mention of income inequality and who paysContinue reading “Occupy Protests Have Shifted National Dialogue, 2012 Elections Loom”