Sins of Omission Hurt Workers of Color

The U.S. has made a dangerous shift to a low-wage economy where people of color disproportionately hold low-wage jobs. Coupled with an expanding Job Gap in many states, Jobs created by infrastructure investments generally pay relatively well and are accessible to individuals without a college education. Adhering to federal contracting rules and can ensure an increaseContinue reading “Sins of Omission Hurt Workers of Color”

Sins of Omission Hurt Workers of Color

The U.S. has made a dangerous shift to a low-wage economy where people of color disproportionately hold low-wage jobs. Coupled with an expanding Job Gap in many states, Jobs created by infrastructure investments generally pay relatively well and are accessible to individuals without a college education. Adhering to federal contracting rules and can ensure an increaseContinue reading “Sins of Omission Hurt Workers of Color”

Work, Productivity, Play and Compensation in America

Americans work longer and harder than our peers in almost every industrial nation. On average Americans are working 1800 hours per year, beating out Germany, France, Denmark, Ireland, Sweden, Spain, United Kingdom, Australia and Finland. According to The International Labour Organization American released a report stating that “workers in the United States on average produceContinue reading “Work, Productivity, Play and Compensation in America”

Low-Wage Workers Not Covering Basic Needs

Today’s minimum wages are a far cry of what it actually takes to survive. Last Thursday, thousands of fast food workers staged a strike in 50 cities across the country to draw attention to corporate wage gaps. Fast food workers are demanding $15 hourly wages; currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour. PerhapsContinue reading “Low-Wage Workers Not Covering Basic Needs”

Alliance Testimony Declares ‘Living Wage Crisis’

We’ve all heard the stories of folks unable to make ends meet. Today, we shared with legislators the data that backs that up. In partnership with the Washington Community Action Network, the Alliance shared our Job Gap Report Washington state findings before a panel of state legislators during a House Labor & Workforce Development CommitteeContinue reading “Alliance Testimony Declares ‘Living Wage Crisis’”

Alliance Affiliates Mobilize Behind the Living Wage on Black Friday

Black Friday turned out to be more than about recovering from food comas and hittin’ the mall. It was about standing up to one of America’s grossest violators of the public trust. Across the country, Alliance affiliates stood up in solidarity with our union partners on behalf of Walmart workers who are among the most underpaid in the country.

Report: Working Connections – The Need to Expand Child Care Access to Undocumented Students in Washington State

Child care is essential for student parents to succeed. Research shows that affordable, accessible child care plays an important role in helping student parents stay in school. But it’s becoming harder and harder for them to afford both child care and tuition. This report from Communities for Our Colleges documents the challenges to obtaining childContinue reading “Report: Working Connections – The Need to Expand Child Care Access to Undocumented Students in Washington State”

Build Back Better With More Bus Service

Build Back Better with More Bus Service from NACTO on Vimeo. Recently, Executive Director LeeAnn Hall participated in a panel hosted by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO). The panel discussed how federal support for transit operations can transform communities and how funding operations is critical to “Building Back Better” and meeting Biden’sContinue reading “Build Back Better With More Bus Service”

Still Struggling to Make Ends Meet: A report on living wages in Washington State

Workers across the country face difficulties making ends meet; the same is true in Washington State. Two years ago, in an attempt to help the minimum wage keep pace with increased cost of living, voters in Washington State approved Initiative 1433. While that provided a much-need- ed boost to the state’s minimum wage, workers andContinue reading “Still Struggling to Make Ends Meet: A report on living wages in Washington State”

Free From Jail, Imprisoned by Debt

This opinion piece by Libero Della Piana was written for OtherWords and appeared in Truthout. At 36, Marcus White has spent half of his life in prison. Today he’s no longer behind bars, but now he’s imprisoned by something else: debt. When White was sentenced, he was saddled with $5,800 in criminal fines and fees.Continue reading “Free From Jail, Imprisoned by Debt”