NY Fast food workers win $15 minimum wage

Fast food workers in New York are getting a raise! Hard work by our affiliates Citizen Action New York and Make the Road New York – along with dozens of other allied organizations and unions, and thousands of workers who took to the streets and shared their personal stories – has paid off  in a hugeContinue reading “NY Fast food workers win $15 minimum wage”

Fast Food Workers in New York are Getting a Raise!

Hard work by our affiliate Citizen Action of New York – along with dozens of other allied organizations and unions, and thousands of workers who took to the streets and shared their personal stories – has paid off  in a huge victory. Yesterday, the New York State Wage Board approved gradually raising the minimum wage for NewContinue reading “Fast Food Workers in New York are Getting a Raise!”

Building Momentum to “Ban the Box” Nationwide

Last week, Oregon’s Gov. Kate Brown signed into law a bill that prohibits questions about prior convictions on initial applications for employment. This makes Oregon the seventh state in the country to “ban the box” on private employment applications, giving people with records the chance to get to an interview and a fairer shot atContinue reading “Building Momentum to “Ban the Box” Nationwide”

American Healthcare and the Medicaid Mason-Dixon Line

This opinion piece by LeeAnn Hall and Glenn Harris was originally published in Black Star News. There’s a new Mason-Dixon Line being drawn in our country – and it runs right through Medicaid, one of the country’s most important health insurance programs. Historically, the Mason-Dixon Line marked the division between states that embraced slavery andContinue reading “American Healthcare and the Medicaid Mason-Dixon Line”

Rigged to Fail – Press and Media Hits

Rigged to Fail When State Policies Suppress Workers’ Abilities to Make Ends Meet March 2015 http://thejobgap.org/ “Rigged to Fail” Work Study Urges Minimum Wage Increase, Lift on Right to Work, March 26, 2015 – Orlando Political Observer Child Care Tax Credits Help Working Families Succeed, April 14, 2015  – Context Florida Supporters for Medicaid Expansion Hold Rally in Charlottesville, AprilContinue reading “Rigged to Fail – Press and Media Hits”

Low Wage Nation – Press and Media Hits

Low Wage Nation  Nearly Half of New Jobs Don’t Pay Enough to Make Ends Meet  Press and Media Hits January 2015 Press Release: “A Full-Time Job Should Lead to Financial Stability, Not to Poverty” OREGON Half of Oregon Job Openings Don’t Pay Enough to Get By, New Study Finds, January 27, 2015 – The Oregonian FLORIDA ReportsContinue reading “Low Wage Nation – Press and Media Hits”

A Question for Lawmakers Who Backtrack on Expanded Health Coverage: Seriously?

With two weeks left in the second enrollment period for Affordable Care Act health coverage, marketplace enrollment is projected to reach between 9 million and 9.9 million people this year. That’s a net increase of between 2 and 3 million people gaining coverage through the marketplaces. Millions more will gain coverage through Medicaid expansion. That’sContinue reading “A Question for Lawmakers Who Backtrack on Expanded Health Coverage: Seriously?”

I Give Thanks to Workers Standing Up to Injustice

The holiday season — a time of counting your blessings, spending time with your family, and abundance. It is also a time for a huge portion of workers — unable to make basic ends meet — to be made painfully aware of how they are falling short. About half of all full-time workers of color in the United States do notContinue reading “I Give Thanks to Workers Standing Up to Injustice”