2012 proved to be an exciting and successful year of civic engagement for AJS affiliates all across the country. Oregon Action, Center for Intercultural Organizing, Make the Road New York, PLANevada, Montana Organizing Project, Idaho Community Action Network, Maine People’s Alliance, Colorado Progressive Coalition, and Washington Community Action Network all devoted considerable staff and resourcesContinue reading “AJS and Affiliates Finish Off a Strong Year of Civic Engagement Work”
Tag Archives: community organizing
Alaska Natives Rally for Traditional Hunting & Fishing Rights
After days of rain and snow in Anchorage,Alaska, the skies cleared and it warmed to chilly 34 degrees just in time for 400 Natives to rally in a park to call for an end to increasing regulations, enforcement and criminalization of their traditional way of life. A unique scene in Alaska: 400 Natives taking toContinue reading “Alaska Natives Rally for Traditional Hunting & Fishing Rights”
ICAN’s “Radio Voz de Magic Valley” to Go Live Soon
After more than two and a half years of preparation, KBWE Radio Voz de Magic Valley, a project of Idaho Community Action Network, is near completion. KBWE—and the campaign to establish it—will provide a focal point for the growing role of Idaho’s Latino and new immigrant community in Idaho’s Magic Valley.
AJS Hosts Institute for Pragmatic Practice Symposium in Los Angeles
AJS convened our fourth Institute for Pragmatic Practice (IPP) Symposium in Los Angeles on September 6 and 7. IPP strives to create space for organizers, policy makers, community leaders and academics to come together and think through innovative strategy and approaches to current issue.
Make the Road New York Helps Unionize Exploited Car Wash Workers
Alliance for a Just Society affiliate Make The Road New York, along with their partners in the “WASH New York” campaign, New York Communities for Change, have been working with car wash workers across the city to speak out and stand up against the gross labor violations rife in this notorious industry. On September 8th, the workersContinue reading “Make the Road New York Helps Unionize Exploited Car Wash Workers”
The Value(s) of Medicaid: 47 Years Later
July 30th marked the 47th anniversary of Medicaid and Medicare. It’s hard to imagine that 47 years ago, these critical programs that we have grown to love and rely on, were controversial sticking points that were hotly contested for years prior to being passed through the legislature- similar to the Affordable Care Act; passed onlyContinue reading “The Value(s) of Medicaid: 47 Years Later”
Is The Pentagon Paying Its Fair Share?
It’s not news that these are tough economic times for America. Critical social programs have had budgets slashed or programs cut altogether, and there seems to be little that anyone can do about it. At a time when the most needy of our society are being told to tighten their belts, the Pentagon has launchedContinue reading “Is The Pentagon Paying Its Fair Share?”
SCOTUS ruling on ACA expected Thursday; AJS affiliates and partners plan actions across the country
This Thursday the Supreme Court will rule on the future of the new health care law that already provides benefits to over 100 million people across the country. No matter the outcome, Alliance f or a Just Society affiliates and partners are planning responses to the decision all across the country. Below is a listContinue reading “SCOTUS ruling on ACA expected Thursday; AJS affiliates and partners plan actions across the country”
City of Portland Moves Closer to Divestment
From Ron Williams, Executive Director, Oregon Action Alliance for a Just Society affiliate Oregon Action testified in front of the Portland City Council on May 9th in support of a local ordinance that would divest money out of Wells Fargo and into local community banks and credit unions.
The Immigrant & Latino Vote Matters in Idaho
Latinos are growing fast in both numbers and voting strength in Idaho. With over 11 % of the state’s population concentrated in specific counties, Latinos are the swing voters for some state races and the 1st congressional district. This power will only grow with time as age eligibility and naturalization rates increase for Latinos in Idaho.