On Thursday, February 3, the Washington State Legislature Transportation Committee held a public hearing on SB 5407, a bill that would take away the ability of undocumented, tax-paying immigrants to obtain Washington state driver licenses. The bill would make people provide a social security number or proof that they are in the US legally toContinue reading “Washington CAN! and Allies Testify Against Bill Targeting Undocumented Immigrants”
Tag Archives: immigration
Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact
In January a delegation of leaders and members of the Alliance for a Just Society went to Salt Lake City, Utah to learn about the Utah Compact. The Utah Compact is a set of principals designed to guide Utah citizens, goverment, and community leaders in speaking about immigration issues in a humane and respectful way.Continue reading “Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact”
On the State of the Union: Where Are We Going? A National Mystery
After watching the President’s State of the Union Address, I must confess that I am puzzled. I have no idea where our country is going.
Still Hope For The DREAM Act
On December 8, the U.S. House passed the DREAM Act, a measure that would allow thousands of undocumented youth to continue their education and earn a path to citizenship. It has been nine years since the DREAM Act was first introduced in Congress. Now, it seems that the bill has a real chance of passingContinue reading “Still Hope For The DREAM Act”
Getting Out the Latino Vote in the November Elections
A poll released on October 5th shows that while Democratic-leaning Latinos are not likely to vote with the Republican Party this November, they are also so disappointed with the current political climate that many of them might not participate in the upcoming elections at all (( New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/06/us/politics/06immig.html?_r=3&pagewanted=2)). According to the Pew HispanicContinue reading “Getting Out the Latino Vote in the November Elections”
Politicians Out of Sync with People on Immigration
As Politico reported last week ((Politico, “Gov. candidates in 20 states endorse anti-immigration laws,” September 2, 2010, http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0910/41692.html)) of the 37 governor’s races this year, candidates in over 20 states are pushing anti-immigrant laws.
Celebrating Community-Based Health Centers
“Generally I am in good health, but when I do need to go to the doctor, I’m glad that Bailey’s clinic is available. I work as a stocker at a big box store, and they don’t provide health care. I only make $9.25 dollars an hour, so I certainly wouldn’t be able to afford privateContinue reading “Celebrating Community-Based Health Centers”
ICAN’s Voter Registration Work Makes the News
NWFCO affiliate Idaho Community Action Network (ICAN) is part of a newly-formed coalition, the Canyon County Latino Voter Collaborative, working to educate and ensure that Latino community members register and vote, as well as participate in other activities such as advocacy. On a recent weekend in July, more than 30 young Latino community members participatedContinue reading “ICAN’s Voter Registration Work Makes the News”
Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law
Today, Wednesday, July 28, 2010 Judge Susan Bolton ruled that Arizona’s controversial law SB1070 does indeed overstep the state’s boundary to enforce federal immigration law. The ruling will put an injunction on the most egregious provisions of the law, while other provisions remain intact. The ruling is a major victory for the immigrant rights movement,Continue reading “Federal Judge Rules Against Arizona Immigration Law”
A reaction to President Obama’s long awaited stand on comprehensive immigration reform
On Thursday, after weeks of increased pressure from immigrant rights advocates President Obama addressed a crowd at American University on the need to fix our broken immigration system. The speech outlined his commitment to a comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship for the millions of undocumented immigrant families currently in the U.S.