On Monday, June 25, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its decision in Arizona v. United States, a challenge to the constitutionality of Arizona’s controversial racial profiling law, SB 1070. Continue reading “SCOTUS Immigration Decision: A Mixed Bag for Immigrants and Refugees”
Does the NFIB represent small business…or big special interests?
Cross-posted from Public Campaign website.
Analysis by Public Campaign and Alliance for a Just Society
The National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB), heralded as the “voice” of America’s small businesses, has received renewed scrutiny due to its role as the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit to throw out the Affordable Care Act, which awaits a decision from the Supreme Court on Thursday. Continue reading “Does the NFIB represent small business…or big special interests?”
Protection for DREAM Youth
On June 15, 2012, the Obama Administration announced that it would offer many DREAM Act-eligible youths protection from deportation. These youths, whether or not they are currently in deportation proceedings, will be able to apply for “deferred action,” which would temporarily shield them from deportation and enable to live and work legally in the US. Continue reading “Protection for DREAM Youth”
When Feeding Your Family Is Illegal
For Native people of the Yukon Flats, feeding your family requires the ability to hunt and fish for their foods. After spending a week in the Flats, assisting the Council of Athabascan Tribal Governments (CATG) on a campaign to secure traditional food and hunting and fishing practices; I would argue that it is the only way to access healthy and affordable foods. Community members are standing up for themselves against a system that is threatening their way of life, their ability to feed themselves and their legal rights guaranteed under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA).Continue reading “When Feeding Your Family Is Illegal”
Surprise: Aetna Funneled Millions to Chamber of Commerce
It looks like insurance giant Aetna made more than $4M in political donations to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce last year (and another $3M to conservative advocacy group American Action Network).
This news emerged in an accidental — and later amended — disclosure. Aetna says it handed over the dollars for educational purposes and not for lobbying — and also says there’s no need to require any additional disclosure of corporate political spending.
Our premium dollars at work?
Alliance Calls for a Strong, Inclusive Family Unity Waiver
On May 31, the Alliance for a Just Society joined with the Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM), Make the Road New York, and other immigrant justice organizations around the country to call on the federal government to adopt a strong, inclusive family unity waiver.Continue reading “Alliance Calls for a Strong, Inclusive Family Unity Waiver”
Cupcake Royale Owner to Congress: Move Forward on Health Care
Cross-posted from Main Street Alliance
Congressional testimony may seem a long ways away from cupcake baking, but not for Jody Hall. Hall, owner of Seattle’s fast-growing Cupcake Royale and a leader with the Main Street Alliance of Washington, traveled to Washington, DC on May 31 to testify about health care reform before a House committee.Continue reading “Cupcake Royale Owner to Congress: Move Forward on Health Care”
Shareholders Should Have a Say in Corporate Political Spending
This spring, the Alliance for a Just Society participated in Shareholder Spring, in which grassroots leaders descended on shareholder meetings to demand an end to corporate dominance of our politics and our increasingly unequal economy.Continue reading “Shareholders Should Have a Say in Corporate Political Spending”
Two Banking Regulations on Small Business Wish List
Mere days before National Small Business Week kicked off it was revealed that JP Morgan Chase and CEO wonder boy Jamie Dimon lost $2B (now $3B by some estimates) on derivative trades meant to mitigate risk. This was a stark reminder for small businesses that nearly 4 years after the economic collapse wreaked havoc on local economies and small business, there are still significant gaps in the regulatory fabric.Continue reading “Two Banking Regulations on Small Business Wish List”
Move to Amend is Moving In Oregon
From the Main Street Alliance Website:
Main Street Alliance of Oregon has been surveying business owners throughout Oregon and is finding strong interest in electoral reform. Currently around eight in ten business owners feel the Citizens United Supreme Court decision, freeing corporations to spend unlimited sums of money in elections, is bad for small business. And seven in ten would support a constitutional amendment declaring that corporations are not people and money is not speech.Continue reading “Move to Amend is Moving In Oregon”