New State Health Insurance Exchange Rules Must Be Strengthened

Earlier this summer, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released a preliminary set of regulations that instruct states in the development of their new health insurance marketplaces, also called exchanges. These rules govern all aspects of how the exchanges are run and are a key mechanism for reigning in health insurance company profiteering.

There are a few key aspects of the rules that could be strengthened to ensure that the exchanges function for the benefit of people, not health insurance companies. Right now, HHS is accepting comments to help them revise the rules. This is our opportunity to set a high bar for states to meet or exceed – click here to sign a petition telling HHS that they must ensure that state exchanges:Continue reading “New State Health Insurance Exchange Rules Must Be Strengthened”

Corporate Interests Dominate List of Top Super Committee Donors

Four banks, two large corporations, a conservative political action committee (PAC), and a law firm serving corporate, industrial, and financial institutions dominate the list of top 10 campaign donors that contributed to members of the bipartisan congressional “Super Committee,” setting the stage for a historic revenue showdown.

These entities contributed a total of $4.5 million, or 79 percent of total contributions on the top 10 list, to members of the newly formed group of six Democrats and six Republicans, according to a study by reading “Corporate Interests Dominate List of Top Super Committee Donors”

Not Your Ordinary Tea Party

During the week of August 15th, Americans for Prosperity took their pro-oil, anti-worker, Running on Empty Tour to Montana. The tour was an attempt to blame high gas, electricity and food prices on President Obama. They aren’t happy with the President because he hasn’t given in to their corporate agenda to exploit America’s natural resources, gut critical environmental regulations and endanger the health of our communities. The Montana Organizing Project welcomed them with counter-demonstrations to highlight how Big Oil corporations are buying politicians and the government. Watch their mad tea party action here!Continue reading “Not Your Ordinary Tea Party”

Have you heard about austerity lately?

Have you heard about austerity lately? It’s a fancy word to talk about gutting important public investments in our health care, education, economic well-being, and communities overall. To learn more about why austerity is such a bad idea, economically and morally, watch this video:Continue reading “Have you heard about austerity lately?”

Anti-Worker’s Rights Tour Comes Up Empty

Apparently, the pro-oil, anti-worker Running on Empty Tour has hit a roadblock: the Montana Organizing Project and its allies.

The Americans for Prosperity — a Washington, D.C.-based, ultra conservative political action committee (PAC) — has launched a national tour calling for oil and gas companies to be able to operate and drill with no public oversight.Continue reading “Anti-Worker’s Rights Tour Comes Up Empty”

Association Health Plans: Good or Bad for Small Business?

Changes are finally coming to states’ health insurance marketplaces. For small businesses, these changes can’t come soon enough. New rules prohibiting discrimination and strengthening oversight of rate increases will protect small businesses from rate shocks. A guaranteed essential benefits package will provide assurance of a minimum level of coverage. And new state insurance exchanges will enhance choice and competition.Continue reading “Association Health Plans: Good or Bad for Small Business?”

Immigrants Facing Deportation Might Stay in the US

Yesterday, President Obama announced that undocumented immigrants without criminal records facing deportation can stay in the U.S. The government is saying that many of them might be able to apply for a work permit.Continue reading “Immigrants Facing Deportation Might Stay in the US”

HHS’s Language Rule Excludes Millions of People

What would you think about a rule designed to give translation of important insurance documents to those who do not speak English well, if that rule required this service in nine counties in New Mexico, but excluded the entire City of Albuquerque?Continue reading “HHS’s Language Rule Excludes Millions of People”

Underwater Mortgages and 1 Million Jobs

Today, The New Bottom Line, a coalition co-lead by the Alliance for a Just Society,  released a report detailing a solution to the foreclosure crisis. “The Win-Win Solution: How Fixing The Housing Crisis Will Create 1 Million Jobs” details how we can fix the housing crisis and revitalize our communities and economy if the banks were to lower the principal balance on all underwater mortgages to current market value.Continue reading “Underwater Mortgages and 1 Million Jobs”