Medicaid Matters across Generations

On July 12th, over 250 people joined with Senators Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island, Al Franken of Minnesota and Claire McCaskill of Missouri to highlight the important role Medicaid plays for seniors, kids, families and America and to decry recently proposed cuts to the critical program. The Alliance for a Just Society worked with Caring Across Generations, PICO, Campaign for Community Change, Community Catalyst, and Health Care for America Now! to make this event a success.Continue reading “Medicaid Matters across Generations”

Growing Resistance against Anti-immigrant Legislation

In July of 2010, the U.S. Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against Arizona’s infamous SB 1070, a bill requiring police in that state to check the immigration status of anyone they “suspect” of being undocumented. A year later, Alabama has taken a step further by targeting immigrant children — schools would be required to check the immigration status of children attending k-12. What next? Deporting six-year old children? Moreover, the bill also requires business to use the federal program E-verify to check the legal status of job applicants. Continue reading “Growing Resistance against Anti-immigrant Legislation”

Medicaid Makes a Difference

Alliance Executive Director LeeAnn Hall had a commentary published in Truthout about the importance of defending the nation’s Medicaid program. LeeAnn wrote:

“With wrenching unemployment and the housing market still in the tank, this may be the worst possible time to think about gutting Medicaid. Yet, the program still faces a slew of threats…

“With Congress fixated solely on cutting spending – and letting many corporations get away without contributing a dime – lawmakers are telling us who matters and who they answer to.”

Read LeeAnn’s full commentary on why Medicaid makes a difference on Truthout.

The Exchange in Vermont: A Model for Other States

On May 6, the Vermont State Legislature passed a law creating a new health policy for its state.  The Governor signed it into law that same day. The Act, H. 202, includes a fairly comprehensive set of policies that should serve as a model for other states to follow.

H. 202 not only creates an exchange for Vermont, but it also creates a public option to private insurance, places controls on pharmaceutical and provider costs, and unifies the administration of public health care systems.

Continue reading “The Exchange in Vermont: A Model for Other States”

Main Street Takes on Wall Street…And Wins!

Big bank lobbyists have been putting on a full-court press in Washington, D.C. to roll back components of the financial overhaul passed last year and free Wall Street to go back to the “business as usual” that led to the financial crisis in 2008.

The bankers are gunning for the new Consumer Protection Bureau and its leading champion, Elizabeth Warren. They’re lobbying to starve regulatory agencies of the funds needed to enforce the provisions of the new law. And on Wednesday, they went after small businesses with an amendment to delay (read, kill) new rules limiting debit swipe fees. But this time, the bankers lost.Continue reading “Main Street Takes on Wall Street…And Wins!”

Gutierrez Urges Latinos to Claim Political Power

On May 27, the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevadav (PLAN), an Alliance for a Just Society affiliate, hosted U.S. Representative Luis Gutierrez at their “Familias Unidas” summit on immigration issues. Gutierrez delivered the event’s keynote speech, speaking alongside community members who shared their personal stories of how the current immigration system separates families and closes the door on young people who want to pursue higher education.Continue reading “Gutierrez Urges Latinos to Claim Political Power”

Seattle Residents Take Their Demands to Chase Bank

On a beautiful sunny Seattle Saturday, 400 south Seattle residents took to the streets to demand that JPMorgan Chase Bank reinvest money in the communities they have destroyed. The community members — parents, students, workers, homeowners — demanded that Chase reinvest money in the form of principle write down for every Washington homeowner. They also called on Chase to invest in a community jobs fund that would create over 30,000 jobs for the neighborhoods hardest hit by the economic crises created by the reckless gambling of Chase and other big banks.

Continue reading “Seattle Residents Take Their Demands to Chase Bank”

Direct from Main Street: Maine Small Business Views on Credit and Lending

This report shares the findings of a survey of Maine small businesses, focusing on their experiences with credit and their reactions to one current proposal to support small business and economic growth: the creation of a state bank. This report contributes to the discussion of such a proposal by sharing the perspectives of Maine’s Main Street small businesses.

Click here to download the full report.Continue reading “Direct from Main Street: Maine Small Business Views on Credit and Lending”

Thousands of New Yorkers Take Over Wall Street

On Thursday, May 12, 20,000 community members from New York City and beyond descended on Wall Street. Mayor Michael Bloomberg had just released his budget which cuts 6,000 teaching jobs and slashes vital social services the city relies on while keeping in tact tax breaks for his billionaire friends and the corporations that house them. This scenario is becoming all too familiar on the local, state and national level—and working people have had enough. That day on Wall Street, an unprecedented number of organizations (including Alliance members who traveled from Washington and Idaho) came together  in belly of the beast to send a message to corporate America.

Continue reading “Thousands of New Yorkers Take Over Wall Street”

Storming the JP Morgan Chase Castle

The JP Morgan Chase office in Columbus, Ohio is surrounded by a moat—literally. But that didn’t stop five hundred Americans, organized by the New Bottom Line coalition, from finding a way across and storming the castle on May 17. Homeowners, community leaders, union members, clergy members and more converged on Tuesday’s shareholder’s meeting. Many dressed as Robin Hood to send a message: stop hoarding resources and pay your fair share!Continue reading “Storming the JP Morgan Chase Castle”