Connecticut Citizen Action Group

This is part fifteen in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Connecticut Citizen Action Group (CCAG) has used money in politics dirt to escalate a fight against waste incinerators, which spew toxins into the air.Continue reading “Connecticut Citizen Action Group”

Democracy North Carolina

This is part fourteen in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Democracy North Carolina released a series of “Highway Robbery” reports available atContinue reading “Democracy North Carolina”

Hitting the Jackpot

This is part thirteen in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

In a state known for excess and wealth that does not extend to most of its residents, the Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada (PLAN) dug up the dirt on political campaign contributions. PLAN published three reports, one of which they titled the “Jackpot Report,” because they had found a stash of money politicians had been hiding from public record.Continue reading “Hitting the Jackpot”

Project Vote Smart

Role in the Landscape

This is part twelve in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Project Vote Smart (PVS) is a transparency/data organization with a vast collection of data on candidates and incumbents. Their website,, allows users to search at the presidential, congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative levels.Continue reading “Project Vote Smart”

Disinfecting Banker’s Day on the Hill

This is part eleven in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

In February 2011, on “Bankers’ Day on the Hill,” grassroots organization Washington Community Action Network confronted corporate bank lobbyists head-on.Continue reading “Disinfecting Banker’s Day on the Hill”

Good Jobs First

This is part ten in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape

Good Jobs First focuses on corporate subsidies and works to promote corporate and government accountability around subsidies, economic development, and smart growth. They work with organizations by providing research, training, communications and consulting assistance.Continue reading “Good Jobs First”

Sunlight Foundation

This is part nine in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Like, the Sunlight Foundation is a technology-oriented group that connects their own federal data (lobbyists and fundraisers) with other sources such as and Sunlight does not take positions on campaign finance reform or other issues. They are, however, very interested in training and supporting grassroots groups on the tools they offer.

The Sunlight Foundation provides funding for the creation of “cutting-edge tools to enable the media, bloggers and citizens to sift, share and combine government data in ways that are useful for them.”Continue reading “Sunlight Foundation”

This is part eight in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape tracks the influence of money in the U.S. Congress as well as in California and Wisconsin. Their research team and free online tools shed light on the connections between political inputs (such as campaign contributions) and political outputs (such as legislation). Their data partners include the Center for Responsive Politics, GovTrack, National Institute on Money in State Politics, and the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign.Continue reading “”

Common Cause

This is the part seven in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape

Common Cause is a membership-based organizing group that operates in 36 states. Campaign finance reform is one of their key issues. They have worked on presidential public financing, banning soft money, the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, and establishing an independent Office of Congressional Ethics.Continue reading “Common Cause”

Public Campaign

This is the sixth part in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape

Public Campaign conducts campaigns to improve campaign finance laws and to promote public financing of elections. They offer research and messaging support to community organizations, focusing on connecting the dots between how elected officials raise money and the actions they take that hurt regular people.Continue reading “Public Campaign”