MOOSE: Monied Out-of-State Executives

This is the fifth part in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Posing as MOOSE (Monied Out-of-State Executives), Continue reading “MOOSE: Monied Out-of-State Executives”

Center For Responsive Politics

This is the fourth part in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape

Center for Responsive Politics operates one of the most prominent money-in-politics websites. contains federal data that includes campaign contributions, outside spending by independent interest groups, lobbyists, revolving door issues, earmarks, and the personal finances of members of Congress and other federal officials.Continue reading “Center For Responsive Politics”

Montanans Stop Drastic State Budget Cuts

Last week, on April 28, the 62nd Montana Legislative Session came to a close. The session was a contentious one, featuring some of the worst budget cut proposals in state history. Faced with devastating cuts to health and human services, education, and public employee jobs and salaries, members of the Montana Organizing Project responded by rallying, telling their stories, making phone calls and writing letters to their legislators throughout the session. MOP and its partners tirelessly made the case that Montanans deserve better. And, when the session was over, $150 million in crucial funding — three-quarters of the budgets cuts — was restored.Continue reading “Montanans Stop Drastic State Budget Cuts”

National Institute On Money In State Politics

This is the third in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Role in the Landscape

The Institute is the only organization collecting  information about campaign contributions at the state level. They capture state-wide races such as state senators, governors, attorney generals, and ballot measures. This is done for all 50 states. They are primarily a transparency/data organization, but are eager to support grassroots groups, journalists, and individuals wanting to make use of their resources.

Continue reading “National Institute On Money In State Politics”

Looking Beyond Campaign Contributions

This is the second in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

The influence of corporate money in politics goes way beyond campaign contributions. Like the blogger who impersonated billionaire David Koch for a conversation with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, money in politics is usually about gaining access to a lawmaker’s ear.Continue reading “Looking Beyond Campaign Contributions”

Rude Awakening for Seattle Tax Dodger & Wells Fargo Board Member

On a typically rainy Seattle morning, Tuesday, May 2, commuters stuck in rush hour traffic were treated to a  perfect view of a banner declaring peoples’ demands to big banks – PAY YOUR TAXES! The banner, hoisted up by 8-foot weather balloons and anchored by local students’ sailboat, reading “Wells Fargo-Pay Your Taxes”  flew above Portage Bay to send a message to local Wells Fargo board member Judith Runstad as she departs for the company’s annual shareholders meeting in San Francisco on May 3.

Continue reading “Rude Awakening for Seattle Tax Dodger & Wells Fargo Board Member”

Money in Politics

Time and again, community organizing groups have found that winning campaigns with an impact on everyday people’s lives frequently means challenging corporate power. All too often, companies attempt to undermine the public interest using their undue influence over our decision-makers. This is the first in a series of posts that will explore some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.Continue reading “Money in Politics”

Fighting New York City’s Wrongful Deportation Policies

In June of 2009 Ricardo Muñiz, an undocumented migrant from Mexico, was attacked by two men who shouted anti-gay and anti-immigrant slurs while beating him.  Ricardo went to the local police precinct to report the attack. Days later, the police arrested Ricardo, accusing him of having committed an attack against his perpetrators. In August of 2009, Ricardo was taken into custody and sent to Riker’s Island, the infamous jail where people awaiting trial are sent.
Continue reading “Fighting New York City’s Wrongful Deportation Policies”

Guide to Money in Politics: Research Tools for Issue Campaigns

This guide contains an overview of some of the leading organizations from around the country that are engaged in unearthing and combating the influence of money in the political process.

Click here to download the full report.Continue reading “Guide to Money in Politics: Research Tools for Issue Campaigns”

Montanans Rally for Budget Courage, Not Cuts

On Friday, April 1st, 2011, 1,500 Montanans flooded the Capitol lawn to voice their objections to sweeping and hurtful cuts in the Montana state budget. “Courage, Not Cuts!,” was their rallying cry. The  “No Fooling with Our Future Rally” was presented by  Montana Organizing Project leaders and activists, who partnered with many groups within the Partnership for Montana’s Future.

Continue reading “Montanans Rally for Budget Courage, Not Cuts”