Money in Politics: The Best Tax Break Half a Million Dollars Can Buy

The first in a series of articles exploring the influence of corporate money over our political system.

When Microsoft filed pay disclosures with the Securities and Exchange Commission last year, it reported a $670,000 bonus for company CEO Steve Ballmer. But the company didn’t mention how Ballmer spent the bulk of that check – on a $425,000 campaign contribution to oppose a state income tax for the very wealthy.Continue reading “Money in Politics: The Best Tax Break Half a Million Dollars Can Buy”

Washington CAN! and Allies Testify Against Bill Targeting Undocumented Immigrants

On Thursday, February 3, the Washington State Legislature Transportation Committee held a public hearing on SB 5407, a bill that would take away the ability of undocumented, tax-paying immigrants to obtain Washington state driver licenses. The bill would make people provide a social security number or proof that they are in the US legally to get a a license. At the public hearing, several organizations including Washington CAN!, OneAmerica, El Comite, the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project, churches and faith groups, expressed their concerns about the bill.  Continue reading “Washington CAN! and Allies Testify Against Bill Targeting Undocumented Immigrants”

Conservative Judicial Activism Must Strengthen Health Care Implementation

On Monday, January 31st, a second federal court ruled against the Affordable Care Act (ACA). A Florida judge opined that the individual responsibility provision was unconstitutional and therefore made the entire Act invalid. The White House and reform supporters were quick to point out that two other courts and numerous judicial scholars hold a contrary opinion. Nevertheless, the ruling, even if eventually reversed, will give added hope to the Tea Baggers and other opponents of reform. Health care advocates must continue to stand by the ACA because it is the law of the land. Continue reading “Conservative Judicial Activism Must Strengthen Health Care Implementation”

Oregon Action Hosts Community Forum on Oregon State Bank Proposals

On Tuesday, January 25th, in Medford, Oregon, tucked into the hills of the Southern Cascade mountains, 28 people came together to discuss a radical concept: a bank that works to pool the resources of the community rather than to extract it and send it to Wall Street investors. Their interest was piqued by the two proposals currently in the Oregon State Legislature to create a state bank, modeled after the Bank of North Dakota, that would be owned and operated by the people of Oregon.Continue reading “Oregon Action Hosts Community Forum on Oregon State Bank Proposals”

Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact

In January a delegation of leaders and members of the Alliance for a Just Society went to Salt Lake City, Utah to learn about the Utah Compact. The Utah Compact is a set of principals designed to guide Utah citizens, goverment, and community leaders in speaking about immigration issues in a humane and respectful way. Though widely known as a conservative state, Utah’s Compact is an important,  model for  advancing a constructive dialogue about immigration issues.Continue reading “Immigration Lessons from a Conservative State: The Utah Compact”

Washington CAN! Stages Sneak Attack at CHASE Bank’s Winter “Schmooze Fest”

On Wednesday, January 26th, Washington CAN! members gathered outside the CHASE building in Seattle to take action against one of corporations who, by successfully lobbying for tax exemptions, is responsible for the current state budget deficit and state fiscal crisis. This is the start of a series of direct actions planned against greedy banks and corporations. Continue reading “Washington CAN! Stages Sneak Attack at CHASE Bank’s Winter “Schmooze Fest””

On the State of the Union: Where Are We Going? A National Mystery

After watching the President’s State of the Union Address, I must confess that I am puzzled. I have no idea where our country is going.Continue reading “On the State of the Union: Where Are We Going? A National Mystery”

Direct from Main Street: Washington Small Business Views on Credit and Lending

This report shares the findings of a survey of Washington small businesses, focusing on their experiences with credit and their reactions to one current proposal to support small business and economic growth: the creation of a state bank. This report contributes to the discussion of such a proposal by sharing the perspectives of Washington’s Main Street small businesses.

Click here to download the full report.Continue reading “Direct from Main Street: Washington Small Business Views on Credit and Lending”

Washington CAN! Leads 800 People in Demanding an Equitable State Budget

All across the country, lawmakers are faced with grim state budget shortfalls that will mean devastating cuts to the social safety net. As a result of the national recession, Washington state faces one of the worst economic downturns in over 80 years. In the past two years lawmakers have balanced the state budget by cutting $5 billion in critical services including health care, education, the environment, services for individuals with differing abilities, and other safety net programs. Many of the programs that have been eliminated or are slated to be eliminated are programs that communities of color rely on.

In response to these crises, Washington CAN!, and Alliance for a Just Society affiliate, kicked off a season of direct action on Martin Luther King Day to advance policies that increase revenues and preserve public programs that are critical to communities.Continue reading “Washington CAN! Leads 800 People in Demanding an Equitable State Budget”

Idaho Community Action Network Calls for a Fair and Equitable State Budget

State legislatures are now in session. Lawmakers in nearly every state, including Idaho, are faced with budget shortfalls that will mean devastating cuts to the social safety net: health care, education, and services for immigrants. In response to this crisis, Idaho Community Action Network, an Alliance for a Just Society affiliate, kicked off a season of direct action to advance policies that increase revenues and preserve public programs that are critical to communities. Appropriately, they did so on Martin Luther King Day, a day when the message of social, racial, and economic justice is amplified.Continue reading “Idaho Community Action Network Calls for a Fair and Equitable State Budget”